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  • Welcome to module one. You made it. This spot drill is pretty quick and pretty straight forward, but it is Oh, so important because we're going to be covering the fundamentals of email list, building terminology, and just getting really clear on it. So as we work through the list, launching lab, everything will make sense.
  • And we're always on the same page. Now some of the terms you might be very familiar with and it's obvious. However, I think it's important that we leave no stone left unturned and cover everything because this is the very foundation that we will build off. So let's get into it. So let's start at the very beginning.
  • What is an email list? So an email list in this context, what I'm referring to is a list of people that have chosen to be in contact with you. They've taken a specific action saying, yes. I want to hear from you. I want to be on your list. Stay in touch with me. Now an email list can have a variety of information beyond the actual email address of that person.
  • It could include, but not limited to their first name, their last name, their phone number, or their website, job title, et cetera, et cetera. Certain email lists have more information than others. And in general, the fundamental thing that you want is their first name and obviously their email. Now something that email service providers, which we'll get into right away, allow you to do is add that extra information to that person's profile if you will.
  • So you can have their name, their email, and then whatever other information you want, ESPs allow you to do that. Now there's some other terms involved with an email list that we will use. So I want to get clear on, on your email list, a person who is on that list actively is referred to as a subscriber.
  • Now when you get into bulk email, sending lists building is you have to allow people to opt out or unsubscribe. And that is the equivalent in email land unfollowing on social media and how that works is there's a link at the bottom of every email that you send that effectively allows them to opt out automatically.
  • Which then exclude them for all future mailings that you send out again, that's all automatic. You can still see who they are and when they unsubscribed, which is valuable feedback, but the good news is, is the modern list. Builder has all the tools to make this automatic. So you don't have to worry about spamming people that are no longer interested in your content.
  • So this is a big one. What is an email service provider? An email service provider is effectively. What allows you to send email campaigns to your list of subscribers? It's also where your subscribers sort of live again. It's the machine behind it all. And ESPs are effectively obviously technology companies and brands that make it easier to build your list and send emails in mass.
  • Now as email marketing has become a more and more popular marketing channel. There's more and more email service providers that have come to spring up to serve this need. And that's a really great thing. So there's lots of great options and we have a whole module dedicated to your ESP and choosing it because it is core to your list building.
  • It really is the machine behind it all. And we have some great recommendations for you. So stay tuned for that. Another term to get clear on is what is a landing page and specifically, how does it differ from a website in general? A landing page is a effectively a website. However, it differs in key ways.
  • Primarily they're much more minimalistic and stripped down now. The reason for this is you want to be very clear and concise with a landing page that's its purpose. So if you compare a general website, that's meant to get to people and explain all the things that you do and what you've done and et cetera, et cetera.
  • There's a lot of places to go. Right, which can be confusing along a customer's journey, a landing page solves that problem. It allows you to be very concise with what the call to action is, what you want that person to do. And as well as provide the key information about that action. So supporting of why they'd want to do this, why they'd want to opt in, for example, So here's just a quick example to illustrate my point.
  • This is Kathleen Seeley's general main website, if you will, and you can see there's menus, there's a link to a blog. There's a link to what she does. There's a lot of good, important information that needs to exist. However, if we were driving traffic to this, it's not exactly clear what you want people to do.
  • And that's where a landing page obviously differs. So this is an example of what a landing page looks like, and you can see it. There's no menus because we don't want people navigating a way. We want them to hit this page and only see this information. So it's really the start of the funnel, keeping people on track on this path that you want them to be on.
  • Something to note about a landing page is they can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. If you will, they can be as simple as just a very. Basic top image with like words saying opt in to this thing and they just enter the email and off they go. It's a very basic landing page, which are often, always very effective also, but they can also grow in complexity in themselves.
  • If you want to provide more and more context to why they would want to take the action you're taking. So it's good to start. The more basic, the better to keep things focused, but landing pages are not always. Just as simple one line of text with a form field to submit their email, they can grow and to serve the need that you're trying to solve with your lead magnet.
  • Now let's back up a little bit more. What is a lead magnet now? A lead magnet is a piece of specific content you've made for your perfect client model, your PCM, and it solves a particular problem for them or something that they want. And I've said this before, but it's basically the bait on the hook for your perfect client model and lead magnets come in a variety of different forms, which we cover later in this launching lab, because it is so important, but a non-exhaustive list is a PDF, a quiz, an MP3 download a, which is like an audio, download a video, a video series, a webinar.
  • Now again, we'll cover these in much more detail and you'll be able to select which lead magnet you want to start with. However, something that's great is we suggest you start with one, so you can stay focused and create the funnel. The subsequent follow-up things that are required with the lead magnet, but you can grow your lead magnet corral.
  • If you will, you can have many lead magnets, which is great. As long as they're serving your perfect client model. A term I can see myself using as part of this launching lab is conversion rate. So I want to give a quick explanation of that. A conversion rate is a statistic that's based effectively on how many people viewed your content compared to how many people took the action you want to take now to make this more tangible, let's use a real example.
  • Let's say you have a landing page. That has a PDF download lead magnet on it. So the action you want people to take is to enter their email, to get that lead magnet. And that page is the landing page. So let's say a hundred people land on your landing page and 25 of those people say, yes, I want that lead magnet.
  • Here's my email. Send it over to me, that means 25 out of a hundred people took the action that you wanted, meaning a 25% conversion rate. And we'll talk about conversion rates more. When we get into landing pages and lead magnets down the line. Automation is a term that within this context is relatively basic and simple.
  • It's not some wild list of robots or something. Building cars for us. I don't know. Automation in this case means a trigger event happens, which causes an action to occur. So this could look like somebody's opting in on your landing page for your lead magnet. Which then queues an automatic email from your email service provider to send them that PDF that they requested.
  • That's an example of an automation. Automations can grow more complex. And the good news is that most ESPs, again, email service providers have great ways of making these sorts of automations easier. And even as they, your needs. In automation grow in complexity. Most email service providers make that an easy problem to solve.
  • Again, we will cover this in more depth. A marketing funnel will be a concept that we're effectively working within all of this launching lab. This launching lab is effectively about setting up your funnel. A marketing funnel is basically the steps someone's takes from the beginning of their journey. To the end where a sales occur and the funnel doesn't really end when a sale occurs, because there's always an opportunity to up sell or continue to serve that person.
  • However, the funnel is effectively, the customer journey, your perfect client models journey. Through your business from first touch to sales opportunity. Now it depends on what you're doing, but a funnel can be as long or short as it works for you. And they can change over time. Now looking at a funnel, it's obviously widest at the mouth and it gets more and more concentrated and narrow as you approach the end of the funnel.
  • But to go through as sample marketing funnel, just to illustrate what. A marketing funnel means, let's say you have a thousand people come in to the top of your funnel by opting into your lead magnet that lives on your landing page. And then there's various steps between, so let's say the next step for those folks that opted in for your lead magnet is to join a Facebook group.
  • That's the second stage of your funnel. And then from that, the next thing is to sign up for a masterclass alive webinars. So only those that opted into the Facebook group are then offered the masterclass. From within your masterclass, you then pitch to those people within the masterclass. And that is where effectively people buy.
  • So you can see, as we work down the funnel, we started with a thousand people opted into our landing page. Let's say 500 of those folks opted in to join the Facebook group of which 400 of those decided to attend the free masterclass. And 40 of those 400 people in the masterclass decide to buy that is a funnel overall.
  • And that is what we will be effectively creating within list. Launching lab, a nurture sequence is. In a lot of ways, just like a funnel. However, what I mean when I say nurture sequence is oftentimes the very first sequence somebody gets when they opt in for the first time. It's your opportunity for your lead to get to know you, to get clear on what you do and who you are, and really build that relationship.
  • So the nurture sequence to me is really that space between after they opt in and before they buy something, that is what I refer to as the nurture sequence of a marketing funnel. So that's the end of the fundamentals in terms we will be using along our journey with LIS launching lab. And I think it's great.
  • We are going to be all on the same page as we head off into the next module, where we will take a deep dive into email service providers and helping you select the right one for you. See you there.

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Email Service Provider

Download Workbook
5 Reasons You Need an Email List
5 Reasons You Need an Email List
About Karson Grady
About Karson Grady
Email Service Provider
Email Service Provider
Exploring Email Service Providers (ESP)
Exploring Email Service Providers (ESP)
Sender Reputation & Pro Domain
Sender Reputation & Pro Domain
Connect Domain to Pro Email & ConvertKit
Connect Domain to Pro Email & ConvertKit
Customizing Your Account
Customizing Your Account
Launching Your List
Launching Your List
First Stage of List Growth
First Stage of List Growth
First Landing Page
First Landing Page
Grow Your List
Grow Your List
Exploring Lead Magnets
Exploring Lead Magnets
Perfect Client Model (PCM)
Perfect Client Model (PCM)
Landing Pages 101
Landing Pages 101
Lead Magnet Landing Page
Lead Magnet Landing Page
Creating Consistent Content
Creating Consistent Content
5 Ways to Grow Your List
5 Ways to Grow Your List
New Subscriber Nurture Sequence
New Subscriber Nurture Sequence
Import Subscribers into ConvertKit
Import Subscribers into ConvertKit
ConvertKit 101 [*paid account required]
ConvertKit 101 [*paid account required]
Importing Subscribers
Importing Subscribers
Tags & Segments
Tags & Segments
Subscriber Profiles
Subscriber Profiles
Broadcasts & *Sequences
Broadcasts & *Sequences
Email Customization
Email Customization
Email Analytics (Reports)
Email Analytics (Reports)
Landing Pages & Forms
Landing Pages & Forms
Incentive Email
Incentive Email
*Visual Automations
*Visual Automations
*Automatically Tag Subscribers
*Automatically Tag Subscribers
Wordpress + ConvertKit
Wordpress + ConvertKit
Plugin Initial Setup
Plugin Initial Setup
Landing Pages
Landing Pages
Pop Ups, Forms, and More
Pop Ups, Forms, and More
Tracking Users & Tags
Tracking Users & Tags