Import Subscribers into ConvertKit

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  • Hello everybody. And this, uh, should be short video. Um, I'm going to show you how to import subscribers, uh, into convert kit. So that would mean if you're coming from some other platform like MailChimp or active campaign or something like that, I'm going to show you, um, how to import those people into convert kit.
  • If you're looking to consolidate or switch to convert kit, um, obviously you're under no obligation to do that at all. But if you are somebody that happens to have a bunch of email service providers, you certainly do want to consolidate whether you consolidate with convert kit is up to you, but you definitely want them all in one place.
  • Um, so where are you at start is basically Google starting by, um, how to export subscribers from, and then you would just add in whatever, um, your platform is. So just MailChimp, you can see the first article shows you exactly how to do it easy. If it was active campaign. Same thing. Easy shows you how to do it, regardless of where you're coming from.
  • Exporting your list is very easy. It's one of the benefits of email lists is they're very mobile. No one owns it. You own it. It's one of the best parts. So once you figure out how to export your leads from the platform, you're deciding to leave. Um, it'll export as a file called a CSV, which is like a look, it'll look like an Excel spreadsheet.
  • It's just that Excel is owned by Microsoft. And, uh, CSV is just an open, uh, basically version of that. So that's the file type you're looking for.
  • So once you have that CSV created, um, you're what you're going to do is in your ConvertKit account, you're going to log in. This is what it looks like when you have zero subscribers. Um, this is our demo account, but if I click add subscribers and then I'm going to click. Import as CSB. However, you will see there is another option to import from another tool.
  • So if these are some of the tools you're using, you could do that. It will probably make, retain a little bit more information. Uh, it's up to you though. Um, you can see, they only have support for some. So if you know, you don't have to use that option, basically you can use import a CSV and then it doesn't matter.
  • So, what I'll do is I can just drag and drop that CSV that I created. That's this, this is just a sample file. If you're wondering, this is just you folks that are enlists launching labs. So that's what this information is. So you see, when I dragged on the CSB, this map columns to fields, uh, came up. So this is basically saying, this is the header of the document, right?
  • So if I were to open it. Um, you can see that this header name and email, and it's just making it's mapping the data you're submitting with. Uh, convert kit, um, field, right. So name is first name, email is email. So that's just telling convert kit. That's what these things basically mean. Um, and then all you would have to do is click import, uh, subscribers, but you can see that you must add a subscriber, a subscriber to a form sequence or a tag.
  • So basically. What you'll want to do is just, uh, probably create a tag. And I would just say import from let's just as an example, MailChimp. Okay. So I've created this tag. You can see, I just click create tag. You saw that pretty straightforward. You just need to, when you import you do have to tag them, and this is how convert kit keeps track of your segmentation of your list.
  • So this is something we'll get into in much greater depth. So don't worry. But now that we have that tag, I'm just going to select it and then just click to minimize just so it's out of the way. And then same thing. I'm going to click name his first name. These are just mapping those values. And then now if I click import subscribers,
  • you'll see that it is processing the import and you'll receive an email once it's done. Now, this can vary basically, just depending on how many subscribers you're importing. I think this list is only about a hundred people. It's just those of you in less launching labs. So it will not take long at all.
  • Um, Maybe a minute, but if you're importing say, um, tens of thousands, um, I know that for a fact that can take a little bit longer, but basically you can see that it's 88 people. So many people are in this launching lab. Um, just import it and that there you all are. Um, so that's how. Uh, importing into convert kit works.
  • It's very easy, very straightforward. Um, and that's how you can consolidate and bring together all your subscribers into convert kit. So I hope that helps any of you needing to do that.

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