Landing Pages 101

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  • Welcome back now that we have begun to sketch out our customer journey, as well as getting much more clear with our perfect client model, their pain points, motivations, psychographics, demographics, as well as both our lead magnet and our offer. It's time to start looking at how we begin to present our lead magnet to our perfect client model.
  • To move them towards our offer. Now, what should you have completed by now at this point, as I said, we've talked about our perfect client model, lead magnet and final offer and what you really need absolute clarity on before truly diving into this video is your lead magnet. Now it doesn't have to be necessarily created yet physically.
  • However, you should know. The elements of it and how it will be presented. Is it a quiz? Is it a PDF? What it gives your PCM, the takeaways, et cetera, as well as obviously clarity around your perfect client model. Both of these things are important because we're going to use it to inform the landing page that we're going to be putting together.
  • As we have said, lists launching lab is all about conscious list building. So having clarity before beginning to build a landing page about the lead magnet and your perfect client model is critical to actual conscious list building because at every opportunity you have to incorporate. Your perfect client models, feelings, pain points, perspectives, language.
  • Every time you have the opportunity to implant that. We must do so. And that will lead to higher conversions or at the very least, the people that do convert very much are in alignment with our perfect client model and therefore much more likely to buy our offer or engage in our services. And speaking of landing pages, as I've said previously, let's talk about the differences between a website and a landing page.
  • This is just a screenshot of Kathleen's website, her main website, and you can see it's nice looking, no doubt. However, I just highlighted all the things that are clickable and obviously you can scroll and go much further and find even more clickable things. But this is ultimately the pro or not the problem with websites, but this is the reality of websites they have to serve the purpose of whoever's visiting.
  • And you don't necessarily know why that person is visiting. Now. Landing pages are different because you do. I know what they're looking for because you're driving traffic from a very specific point. Maybe it's a social media post about your lead magnet. You're then direct them to the landing page for your lead magnet.
  • So you have much more. Control or understanding of who is visiting your landing page. And that again, gives you the opportunity to be very clear and very direct and clarity really is what makes a landing page, a landing page. This is another screenshot. Of our landing page for our personal values assessment.
  • Now you can see it still looks nice. There's still information. However, this is the only thing you can click and the page does scroll and there is other buttons, but they all serve the same function. They all say, start your assessment. They all lead to the next thing. Now, when we look at landing pages, there are made up of key elements.
  • For example, the first is the headline. And the headline really is the first thing your visitor sees and reads. And it really is the focal point of your landing page. And it sets the tone for the visitor to say, yes, I am in the right place. So a headline is a very key element for your landing page. The next piece that makes up a landing page is the description.
  • Your description is a short. Snippet or paragraph or possibly bullet points that adds further context to your title and further it's how your offer. Again, your lead magnet can help your perfect client model or your visitor to your landing page. The next section is where you can add more context. Now this is theoretically optional.
  • In theory, you can have a headline and a description, and that might be all you need, or perhaps the context. Is added to your description, but I did want to open you up to the possibility that you can move beyond just a description and begin to add more elements. However, again, it always comes back to, is this adding clarity?
  • Is this adding any extra information that this person doesn't need? It's good to be aware of that. And it's possible. You might want to add more information. The next thing is the call to action, the CTA, and for this it's to start your assessment and that's what the button reads. And if they do that, it opens the form.
  • Ours happens to open kind of as a little side panel like this, and this is the form that they begin to input their information on. To then begin to move down and complete the action that we want for them to get ahold of our lead magnet. Now, again, to quickly review the anatomy of a landing page, we have a headline.
  • He description any additional context, but as clear and limited, as you can manage with a call to action and a form to input their information. Now, as I said, with this part of the journey, because you have already begun to sketch out your client flow your potential customer flow, as well as get clear on your perfect client model, as well as your lead magnet.
  • In your workbook that accompanies this video, you will see that it's broken down, basically step-by-step to write your headline, your description, your additional context area, your called action, all the key elements that you actually put. Copy, put words down is in your workbook. You will build it.
  • Step-by-step with cues to ensure that you're incorporating your PCMs language or any details you can to make it even more powerful. And as part of your workbook, there's also some templates to help you get started to have something to work off of. So you're never starting from scratch from the list launching lab.
  • So I encourage you to look through your workbook and go through it step by step. Now, as we've said before, with the list launching lab, we. Suggest you use convert kit and the great part about it. And a big part of that recommendation comes with the fact that convert kit has a built-in landing page builder that's completely free.
  • And a reminder, if you already don't have your convert kit account, I don't know how you would have gotten this far, but just in case. Can set up your free slash convert kit. Now we do suggest convert kit because we think it's the easiest it's free and it really is relatively powerful.
  • And we'll get into that in a moment. However, I didn't want to leave you high and dry. If you were somebody that wanted to design your own or use some alternative platform. So in your workbook, you'll also see a. Relatively short kind of high level design crash course. If you were to build your own landing page without the help of templates like convert kit offers and what we go through in the book step-by-step is all of the important design fundamentals that you should be keeping in mind.
  • If you are creating your own landing page, for example, visual hierarchy, what draws your attention first, basically contrast to make sure everything's readable white space. So we're not feeling claustrophobic on the page. The proper use of color, the proper use of scale, as well as consistent alignment in our design typography that we choose typography is font.
  • If you didn't know that, and as well as responsiveness, meaning that our landing page looks good on a mobile device, a tablet or at full desktop or laptop computer. And again, we go through it quickly in your workbook. So I encourage you to look through that. If you are building your own. And I will say, unless you are a designer, we do heavily, heavily suggest something like convert kit with their templates because they just make it easy.
  • And they've done all of this design thought for you. Basically, they create templates that follow these design fundamentals for you. So you don't have to worry about it. Now with that templating, the truth is that there is a limit to the amount of customization you can do. And. I think it's almost inevitable that you will end up wanting to graduate to a full blown landing page builder.
  • However, I do want to encourage you to start with convert kit, start with free, see how far I can get you. And I really think it will get you farther than you think. And when you're ready for a full-blown landing page builder, we do suggest Unbounce. It's the one that we use. And I won't get into it in list launching lab because it's a little bit outside the scope.
  • It's a little bit more advanced and customizable. However, if you did want to learn more about it, they have a, we have a great free trial for those endless launching lab. So if you go to Kathleen, you will at least be able to check it out and see what they can offer you. And again, it does have a free trial.
  • If you use that link. However, we are using convert kit because of the templates. And the templates really are great. There's enough variety to really match what you're trying to portray, whether it's a webinar. A quiz, a video, a just a normal subscription form, or for us presenting your lead magnet. And we are going to build this page.
  • If you follow along with me. Exactly. Now this is built off of my perfect client model. And for context, I'll include that worksheet that I filled in, that I built this page off of. So you can see how it's all come together. But again, you'll notice that all of the key anatomy elements of a landing page, or here we have a headline description call to action, a form and additional context.
  • And we are going to be building this in convert kit. So before we obviously start building, you do have to put together. Your headline description called the action form and any additional context that you want to add. So, as I've said in your workbook, it walks you through it step by step and your action that you need to take before the next video, which is again, basically a tutorial.
  • To put together these elements that your workbook is helping you put on paper. So we're basically constructing the landing page elements on paper in your workbook. And then in the next video, what we're going to do is actually build the. Landing page inside of convert kit. So it's exciting times exciting stuff.
  • We're well, on our way to now having a real lead magnet with a beautiful landing page that ties to our PCM, that speaks right to them. And they're going to want nothing more than to download and exchange their email for your lead magnet. So again, finish up your workbook, work through it, and then I'll see you back here for a detailed tutorial to build the page.

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Lead Magnet Landing Page

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