Hello, everybody. Welcome back. Um, we've taken quite a leap forward, uh, up until this point with this lynching lab, we really have knocked out some very key pillars of consciousness, building and core components of this launching lab, which include your perfect client model, a lead magnet. As well as now a landing page for said lead magnet.
So we are really humming along now. So to give you a reminder of where we at, where we are at, I should say, um, we have the three stages of growth with list building, as we've talked about many, many times and early on, we obviously covered your BFFs. Um, with that initial sort of generic newsletter signup landing page.
Um, and now we're really working, um, especially with our landing page. Perfect client model. And lead magnet. We're really targeting these other two areas of list growth stages of growth, your friends, and then also beginning to dabble into expanding into new people. Hence why it's important to create compelling landing pages to speaks to your perfect client model.
To expand to new audiences. So we really have covered a lot of great stuff. As I said, all of these things on this list, you have checked off, which is wonderful. So you may be thinking, okay, it's time to start putting a marketing funnel together. Meaning maybe you. Um, start writing nurture sequence emails so that people that sign up for your lead magnet on your landing page, start getting, um, set emails.
You know, a nurture sequence is usually three or five or whatever, many emails in a row leading up to some type of offer. Or at the very least a qualifying offer of some kind of webinar or something, or a free coaching call, uh, something like that. So the thing with funnels, this is just a sort of sample one that I have a thousand people go in.
There's various conversion points along the funnel. And then at the end, a relatively low amount come out versus where we started with. However, those are obviously the people that would be buying your stuff. So, um, this would be a successful funnel, however, What I'm going to tell you might disappoint you, but don't worry.
Um, we'll work through it. I want you to forget about funnels for now. Obviously marketing funnels are huge. It's probably one of the things you've heard of a lot as if you know, a buzzword of sorts. They really are powerful. They really are great. Um, but the truth is, is that they really, very much rely on, um, Quantity of people, right?
So this is the one, my example, before very healthy funnel, 1,040 out the back. Very good, very most likely sustainable. Um, however, if you change the numbers to something maybe more realistic when you're first starting out something like 10 people coming in, obviously a funnel degrades very quickly. And that's because funnels really do depend on volume in order to really function properly.
So that's why I'm suggesting to you that for right now, the concern is not, or your effort maybe is better way of thinking about it, your time and effort. Shouldn't be going into creating sort of well thought out nurture sequence emails, because we first have to start building up our capacity to reach new people, to make sure instead of 10 people, um, working their way through our funnel, it's closer to the thousand.
So how do we do that? Well, first, I'm going to talk about the, an overall concept and why this matters. Let's just say on average, everyone will be different, but in general, if the golden line here is a year, okay. 12 months you're realistically probably only selling something, um, maybe three, four, five times a year, maybe less.
It might be more, but either way, this would be a kind of a normal thing for us, usually. Every quarter, we're kind of moving towards something, uh, that we're selling roughly again, it's not exact, but you'll notice that on our gold line, it's very much not covered all the way with times we're selling. So you can see this sort of red area.
This is times there where we are not selling anything. So that means that if we're really starting to build our email list, it's not just all about when we're selling things because. We would almost be not list-building often enough, if that makes sense. We really want to be list-building all of the time because it's core to be able to build up our sort of audience and our, our, um, Tribe, if you will.
So then when it comes time to sell something, we can then put people into funnels, into nurture sequence, almost internal ones. So people already on your list, they can then be invited to take some actions that move them down, a nurture sequence towards a purchase. So we want to be list-building all of the time.
So what do you do? How are we supposed to list build all of that time? Well, it's not always as direct as list building all the time. Meaning. You know, you're posting your lead magnet landing page 10 times a day, every single day. That's obviously not very effective and people will probably get bored. So what do we do?
We need to create. Regular weekly content. Okay. And the reason for this is we really want to be building familiarity with our new participants, new participants, uh, new, you know, fans, new people, right. We want to build familiarity with you as the sort of master of your trade, whatever that happens to be.
And we want to build their trust with you and their relationship with you. So we really want to be engaging with them as often as possible. Hopefully ideally once every single week, now I have a little asterisk there because, um, if you couldn't, maybe that feels overwhelming to start with maybe it's biweekly to start.
However, um, Weekly should be the end goal. How, but, you know, it's understandable if you want to start with biweekly. Um, really the most important thing is consistency. So obviously choose something you can stick to and then build on it from there. So if it happens to be biweekly, it's better than saying you're going to do it weekly, failing to do it weekly and then not doing it at all.
Right. So setting realistic expectations is key. And what type of regular, weekly, weekly content can you create? Well, it's really just about engaging people with meaningful stuff. And what I mean by meaningful is it's not just social posts, although they're obviously would be posted on social media and stuff like that.
Of course, what I more mean is they're kind of more robust pieces of content that are really much more engaging and provide more. Um, I dunno. Meat on the bones, if you will. So there's three sort of main ways of doing this. You can create videos. So kind of more in depth videos. Um, you can do a podcast, which is obviously, um, becoming much more popular these days.
Uh, or you can do something that's kind of old, old school. Maybe it might seem, but however, still very effective and that's written, um, blogging. Now, when you think about creating this weekly content, it's kind of, um, a choice that you have to make of thinking about you, what you're good at, what you like to do, and then choosing the Avenue that you think you'll be most effective app.
So when it comes to choosing how you want to present yourself in your weekly content, or perhaps bi-weekly content to start with, as I said, you want to choose a way that you feel like you can show up and be you. As best as possible. Okay. So it's really a choice. That's up to you. Um, So, yes, it's something they sort of think about.
Choose. And then maybe at the beginning you try recording an audio sort of version of a podcast, or perhaps you and I have a few, um, tips of how to kind of break your way into that content. So we'll get to that in a moment. But in general, when we talk about the type of content that you would be creating for your weekly stuff, You really want to keep it in a sort of bubble, if you will, a perfect client model bubble.
So everything that you make obviously needs to be relevant to your perfect client model and be relevant to your kind of lead magnet, that, which is then relevant to your offer. Everything should sort of be floating in this bubble. And it's a bubble because. Not everything has to be like directly down the line.
Like if I create, uh, courses like list launching lab about email list building, it doesn't mean that every single thing I make is about, I don't know how to make higher converting landing pages or something. That's obviously important content to create. But, um, maybe something I would co cover is my sort of entrepreneurial journey in general.
So that fits in the general bubble of my work, but it's not directly tied to it. And I just wanted to maybe give permission or insight that. I call it a bubble because it doesn't mean everything is this direct line. It just has to become, uh, remain relevant to the people you're ultimately trying to attract, because those are the people you're ultimately trying to sell to.
Right. So the idea yeah. Is really that you should be able to draw, uh, Pull a thread between your weekly content, your perfect client model, your lead magnet and your offer. So it doesn't ever have to be perfect, but in general, you should be able to pull a thread and that obviously can lead to, you know, people getting into your tribe, being familiar with what you teach, and then when it's time for your offer to come around, they're familiar with you.
They've heard from you in various capacities about different topics relevant to them, and then obviously relevant to your expertise. So then your offer, if they're interested, they're much more likely to engage and buy because they know you're legit, they know your style and they know if they are a fit for you.
So when it comes to content, something I wanted to sort of touch on lately is there's a lot of places to post content. Um, I have like a whole bunch of apps here. You might notice some look familiar, maybe some won't look familiar like Tik TOK, um, But there's a lot of places to post content, which is both a good thing and it can be an overwhelming thing.
So I want to kind of talk about both one. I think my general advice is you want to go where your perfect client model tends to be. So I have a sort of example, um, for Kathleen to give you some context to help you decide what your sort of main home basis, if you will, it doesn't mean it's the only place that you stay.
But you're sort of home-based content platform. So let me give you an example, Kathleen, uh, as a sort of human being really likes Facebook, she's the Facebook kind of gal. She likes the interaction. She likes seeing the pictures of her, uh, kids out in the world and her friends and all of that and the odd cat post and meme here and there.
Right? So Kathleen is this sort of person really gravitates towards Facebook. However, Kathleen is obviously difficult to nail down because she's so diverse in what she does, but let's just, uh, take one piece of her work. And that's the leadership development culture transformation work that she does with massively human leadership.
Her, um, corporate consulting agency. Now those types of folks, obviously corporate culture development leadership, obviously you're probably thinking, well, that sounds like LinkedIn. So you'd be right in that sense. Her perfect client model is living on LinkedIn. It lies in contrast, when I said, when you start to look at creating weekly content that you really want to look inside of you and how you want to show up and how you will feel excited to create content, be it video, audio, or whatever.
So that's really more about you creating that content, but where you show up is kind of less important. With what you like. And that was my story. Um, my reason for sharing with Kathleen, you know, Kathleen could share her leadership work on Facebook, but it's kind of not where, um, it was probably most effective.
So when it comes to content, you should be thinking much more about your perfect client model and where they tend to hang out. Now, back to creating content in general, it's going to be difficult to kind of get started, especially if it's not something you're used to. So I have a sort of maybe a pro tip to share with you.
And that tip is to multipurpose everything that you make, and that means your content creation can really work more exponentially. So this could be just my own bias. Um, so everyone's different, but I kind of imagine if I were to be creating content for the first time. A video might be a little bit scary.
Cause there's obviously there's tech involved. There's being on camera. There's. Scripting there's editing. There's a little bit more factors going on into video and podcast, as well as its own sort of unique beast in that a little bit longer content might be more difficult hold at the start. So it might not be true for you, but let's just set that as a premise.
So writing a blog post could be one of the most easy ways to break into creating content. And I think that is true. So, but. We're talking about multi purposing, our content. So let's take a blog post that you happen to write, and this is how you can end up creating more exponential content from your core content to then be, you know, showing up more in the world and also being, um, efficient, because you're probably busy.
So let's say you write a blog post, um, and you post it and it's going well and all of that. So that's wonderful. That's a good one. Core weekly content post, but something else you could do is you could record yourself reading, um, your blog posts and then kind of allow yourself to go down rabbit holes and tell stories and touch on this and touch on that.
And that can really be the basis of a podcast. That's almost in lots of ways what a podcast is. And this is actually something that we've been testing internally with Kathleen, because we've always wanted to do a podcast and we're just trying to work out. Uh, how we want to do it and this sort of topics and way we want to do it.
So as we're testing, sort of internally, we've been creating something called blog casts, which is effectively what I just described. Kathleen writes really great blogs that really, really resonated with people. And we're kind of transforming that content and multipurposes, if you will. To create what we call blogcasts, which is just as I said, her reading it, but going down sort of rabbit holes.
And they ended up being very engaging episodes that are really great to listen to. So that's a way to multipurpose that blog post. Another kind of more maybe obvious thing to do is you can cut those, that blog posts into bits, more bite-sized pieces. And those are obviously direct social posts for you to use on LinkedIn or wherever is relevant to you.
And you can also create scripts from your blog posts. So you can come up with a premise sort of, of a video of what you want to say, what your kind of point is for your blog posts. And you can create, say a short script for Facebook or Instagram live just as an example that you could go on, go live and talk about your blog post in general and then link to it and have people go to it.
So you could be creating sort of live short scripts. Um, or segments, maybe if you will. To go live with, and again, multipurpose that same blog post, and then one step further, or maybe in addition, you can create longer scripts that are more traditional sort of videos for YouTube or Facebook that are like five to 10 minutes long.
You could create those sorts of. Posts or those sorts of scripts from that same blog post. So that is multi purposing, your content to really get a more exponential and really get the most out of the great content that you are creating and kind of going back to content and where to post it. As I said, you really should be thinking about your perfect client model and really thinking about a home base for you, for your content, for your sort of work and for your perfect client model.
But you should also be doing your best to show up everywhere. It's just that that can be very overwhelming. So. It's something to think about of where your perfect client model is, and then really prioritizing, um, your, your, uh, platforms. So for example, for us, we tend to spend most of our effort on between Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, over the sort of.
Um, whole of Kathleen's businesses, right? So that's kind of our sort of core places. And we also, but we also have a YouTube channel and a Twitter account and they, we try our best to not have it, just sit there. Um, we post our content to it. It's just not our main place, if that makes sense. So it's a good idea to try and show up as many places as you can, but also don't get stuck feeling like you have to have a very, um, Specific LinkedIn, uh, sort of, um, strategy and a very specific Tik TOK strategy and a very, uh, strategic YouTube strategy, right.
That can be very overwhelming and get you stuck. So I would invite you to consider a Homebase, get that sorted, and then look to expand and share your content in other places as you get better at it now with content creation, obviously you need content ideas. So I have some inspiration for you as well as hopefully a little boost.
Now, what I, uh, use a lot in our business that we use, especially when we hire and have help come in is a sort of project management tool I think is how they would describe themselves. And it's called air table, and you can learn more about it by going to Kathleen seeley.com/air table. And you can create a free account.
They have. Quite possibly the most robust, free account ever. Um, we use it for almost everything and I don't think we pay. So it's one of those apps that I guess, um, don't need to make money. Um, but either way it's very valuable project management tool. And what I created for you is a, um, Table that they're called.
That is a template for you to manage your content and stay organized with it. So, um, if you follow the guide@kathleenseeley.com slash air table, we'll give you all the instructions of how to get a, um, kind of a copy of what I've made for you into your account. But it's basically a sample of creating, coming up with ideas and tracking them along the process and getting them ready to, you know, ship them to post them.
So that is very cool. Be sure to check it out and give it a whirl. Something with air table is it's kind of a spreadsheet on steroids and it can be a little bit maybe. A little bit of a challenge to get into it, but, uh, I encourage you to sort of stick with it and give it a solid attempt because it's very popular in the content creation project management world.
And I think once you get a handle on it, you'll really find that it provides a lot of value to you. Now, speaking of value, I wanted to give you a little boost in your content creation. Now it's just a little boost. I don't want to oversell it. But I found, um, I believe it ended up being a 30, over 30 images for you, you, for you to use with little kind of cues of how you could use it in some context.
So beautiful sort of social media images with a little post ideas, generic, small post ideas that you can build off of to hopefully give you a little content creation boost. So I H I hope you liked that. And again, the instructions for that to get you all were up and running for that. Is that Kathleen seeley.com/air table.
But now that you have your air table all set up, hopefully, um, after this, obviously. Um, you do have to start creating content ideas. And I gave you a little boost obviously, but you really do want to start creating a sort of library of ideas almost for then you to go back at certain times and sort of batch create content, go through these ideas and then execute on them.
So I have a few tips of how to fill your content idea board. Now, the first one, the thing is something called answer the public.com. And this is a website that is very, very cool. It's a website where you enter a term, let's just say goals. And it gives you a list of popular questions to that term that you searched.
And it's really a great way that it's not that it provides you like deep answers or something, but I find it great way to sort of get like, Oh, okay. I can answer that question. And it's. Basically forms the basis of an idea for a piece of content via video podcast, um, or blog post. So I encourage you to go to the answer, the public.com and start trying different searches to see what sort of.
Ideas you can come up with. And then I have created a sort of a form is something that air table allows you to do. So you can bookmark this form. This is code totally optional. If it doesn't work for you, that's okay. But I like to bookmark this. I do this inside of us, our, um, system. And whenever I have a new idea, I just click my little bookmark here and I go and I type in my new idea.
I Mark it as an idea and then it'll show up in my her table. So that I can go back to it and hope, you know, you don't want to lose track of ideas. So that's, um, a way to do that using answers the public, and then this little cool form to make sure you keep track of all your ideas. Now, my next way of, um, finding ways to fill your content board is to look at other creators and.
What I want to be clear with this is it doesn't mean copy people because they don't need to be copied. They're already there. We don't, they don't need another. Whoever that person is, right. They're doing their thing. You need to find a way to do yours. However, It's what a lost opportunity to not look at who you really aspire to be, um, who inspires you.
And who's doing basically what you want to do. So I encourage you to look at what they're doing and see how you can, um, not reproduce that content, but really see, is there a way of you showing up with your unique way? Um, within the context of the sort of ideas that they have. So in some ways it's kind of like don't reinvent the wheel in some ways, but it's not about copying.
It's really just about finding inspiration. And when people like you like us get inspired with ideas, we can take it to new places and make it her own. So one little note I wanted to make about that is to look inside your world. Cause that's obviously. Almost easier way of, um, getting ideas. Cause it's obviously kind of already in the context, but also I encourage you to look outside your world into other creators and maybe different spaces, different niches or whatever, and see what they're doing.
And see if there's some new way that you can bring into your world, that's kind of new and sort of fresh. So those are two kind of high level ways of being able to create new content ideas, answer the public, kind of creates these premises for you to then explore and questions ultimately for you to answer inside of your content around specific subjects that are unique to you and your niche.
Um, And also looking at other influence influencers, both inside and outside your world to see how you can integrate that into your work. Now, once you do have those sort of hopefully a full air table of ideas, um, the best way we have found to create content is actually batching it. So Kathleen and I and our social media person.
We'll often set days of the month and we're usually a month ahead. Right. So if say we're making content for, um, January, we're kind of planning January January's content in December, as you can imagine, that makes sense. But what we do is we have a whole day that's set out. That we just go through our idealist and we start executing on that day.
And if it's not possible to make that day, we make very actionable plans to make it very soon. So sometimes videos need work on a script or something like that. But the idea of BA batch creating content has really revolutionized our ability to stay on top and create content much more consistently than we ever have before.
And that's what I believe to sort of wrap this video. Is important when we're starting to create an audience, it's not just about the lead magnets and the landing pages. Those are sort of the machines that we need to get up and running that we need to understand. Right. But then we're also need to be creating these fans, creating these relationships with folks so that we can help them with whatever it is that you do.
So we need to be able to reach out with regular weekly content and be able to follow through and create that content. As consistently as possible. And the more consistent you are with reaching new people, the more consistent your business will grow. And all of this really matters. This is sort of looking forward when we really start caring about rapidly expanding new reach and getting into stage three fully and expanding your reach with your email list.
Um, You really can think of this dual circle system where you're creating this weekly content loop. You can see on the left, that's kind of always this churning circle, right? And then you have this other circle where you're consistently trying to get new people around. Now, this is something we cover later on in this launching lab, near the end.
And this is things like ads and also other ways it's not always just paid advertising, but it's this way that you're reaching out to these new people with your lead magnet specifically, because it's so valuable bringing people in to your system, right. Offering them value, offering them to solve a Leno of sort of version of their problem at the very least with your lead magnet.
And then you're bringing them in to your system, which is this regular content loop where they're being sort of. Again, they're creating that trust. You're creating that familiar familiarity and you're really providing value to them on an ongoing basis. Especially as we said back at the beginning of this video, we're only selling during, um, very specific parts of the year in most cases.
So really having this regular content loop is key. Uh, part of being able to, uh, grow your list and also create a very conscious and engaged email list. Now, that's all I have for you for this video. And then the next video it's going to sort of tie to this. I'll have 10 ways that I wanted to share with you to grow your email list in general and start using these systems and content that you're making.
So look forward to that. And in the meantime, uh, what it's time for you to do is to start maybe doing some answers, some searches on answer the public.com start generating and filling up your air table, content idea board, and then perhaps start planning your first couple of batch days to start creating content.
So lots to do. And I look forward to seeing you in the next video.