5 Ways to Grow Your List

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  • Okay, welcome back to list. Launching lab. We are making serious progress along our path to sustainable and conscious list building because we really do have the fundamentals of the machine set up. That's your landing page and your lead magnet, and you understand your PCM and you have a good understanding of what your offer is the sort of end game.
  • And. Really, when we talked about in the last video is about creating that regular content loop so that you can keep people engaged. No matter if you're selling in a week, a month or two months or three days, either way, everyone is being served with great content that makes them become. Uh, ultimately fans of you and are much more likely to engage with you in meaningful ways, including buying from you.
  • Now, with that, I wanted to share five tips. I have to grow your email list. So as you're creating this regular content, we also need to find new ways to grow our email list. So I have these five things for you to take action on. Now the first is relatively simple and that's to create a custom email signature.
  • And I have that this website that I found that is really cool by HubSpot. Um, they have a lot of great resources in, uh, data. Actually. They are also a CRM similar to. Convert kit, but on a, uh, quite a bit larger scale. Um, but they publish some of the best analytics and data out there. Uh, so it's, uh, a great resource in a lot of ways.
  • And, um, this is actually something I didn't know they had, but it's basically a way to create a email signature that you can add a call to action too. So you can see in my little example here, I have my normal. Email signature details with our logo and then a discover your values button that would go at the bottom of every single email.
  • And I can click that copy signature button at the bottom left, and it basically, I can paste it right into my Gmail, um, email so that it shows up on every email. So if you followed along in previous steps of list, launching lab to create your. Uh, Google workspace account. Um, this is exactly how you would do it.
  • And if you have a different email provider than Google workplace, just be Google, how to change your signature. And as far as I know, every meaningful email provider allows you to do this. So that's really cool. Basically. It means every single email you send you're casting a net. And, um, with that net, people are curious and people will click and take action on your lead magnet.
  • Or your landing page or your newsletter sign up, whatever you think you should link. If I were to suggest something, I would suggest more of a lead magnet, um, something that has value rather than just a generic newsletter signup. However, with that said, perhaps your lead magnet doesn't apply to everyone that you email.
  • So maybe a generic newsletter signup would make more sense to you. But it's always good to think about, well, what can I provide the most value with, to the most people or at the very least the people you're interested in attracting? So that's my first tip is to create a custom email signature with the tool I have linked below to create a signature that on every single send, you are sending out the possibility of growing your email list.
  • So that is great. My second tip is to utilize attention getters on your website. Now, if you have a website, this can be a little bit different to get up and running depending on what sort of site you have. So the good news is that convert kit makes this all very easy and they have a lot of options. So what you might be familiar with and have seen in your travels on the internet is pop-ups and.
  • They look similar to this and something that is great is that ConvertKit allows you to create these again, all within the free tier. So I hope you're beginning to see why we suggest convert kit. It really is the best way to get up and running without having to pay for anything. So this is another one of their great features is the ability to create pop-ups modals slide ups and menu bars, or a banner bars, I believe is what they referred to them as.
  • And these are ways that you can get visitors on your website to convert to your email list. Now, something that's great about ConvertKit too, is you can track all of the analytics associated with each individual pop-up modal or whatever. However you implement it. You can track how it converts, meaning if a hundred people see it did five people do it, did 10, whatever, and you can compare and make adjustments and see how you improve over time.
  • So that's really cool. Another sort of benefit that convert kit has and many other, uh, services that allow you to do this is you can set the conditions for these modals and pop-ups too. You know, pop up and they have three types, uh, available on convert kit. It's timing, meaning after X amount of seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, whatever you select after that amount of time has elapsed.
  • That pop-up will happen just like this. Yes.
  • A great way to have people that are engaging with your site after a meaningful amount of time. It is probably, you can think about this as a balance. Pop-ups can be a little bit irritating. If you remember the internet back in the day, it was a huge issue. But what you don't want to do is probably have a pop-up happen within five seconds.
  • Um, I might consider doing that. If I was doing something like a webinar or something, that's very like tangible, very fast action, very exciting, very timely. You know, I'm having a webinar in two days, sign up that might make sense to do a timer, a pop-up within like five or 10 seconds. But something that might be a little bit more effective is perhaps getting that person that's hanging around for a minute or something to get a pop-up because they're probably much more engaged and more willing to convert to your email list versus someone who sat there for five seconds that you might irritate them.
  • So that's something to consider with your timer. Pop-up. The next that I really like, particularly for blog posts. So when you start blogging or if you blog, if that's part of your regular content schedule, or if you're repurposing your other regular content into blog posts, I really love the scroll pop-up because you can cue it to, uh, To pop up after they have dived really into the content.
  • So say 50, 60, 70% down the page. And that's how you dictate when the actual modal will pop up is you can say what percentage of scroll down the page? So that is great because obviously somebody who's scrolling down a page, especially a blog post in particular, where I suggest to use this type is, you know, they're deep into your content.
  • They probably are excited to sign up and that might be an opportunity where you invite them to just become a, not just, but as sort of generic. Newsletter sign up that you send your blog posts as soon as you publish them to them, maybe every single week, hopefully as part of your regular content. So someone who's reading your blog gets that pop up.
  • They're probably much more likely to sign up. Uh, if they've scrolled down the page versus maybe a timing, a modal. So that's a great use of the scroll. Now, the next is a sort of new edition to the internet relatively speaking. And that is the exit intent. Modal. And these have mixed results. If you're a service provider, a coach or consultant, but they are heavily used in e-commerce when you buy things.
  • So say you add something to your cart and then you go, Oh, I'm going to close the window. Your most leaves a certain area of the screen. It cues that pop-up and they say, Hey, take 5% off your order. So that obviously works quite good for e-commerce. I have not found it to be particular helpful, particularly effective for the work that Kathleen does.
  • And, um, you might have different results based on what you do. But it's a good thing to know, and it's basically a great way to catch someone's attention before they're obviously intending to leave your site. So it could be one that you'd want to give quite a lot of value to. So, Hey, download my free guide to whatever you can provide them.
  • That's valuable. You can create that. And so before they leave, they're about to leave. They can get a sort of last chance at, you know, you providing them value and them getting on your email list. So as I said, convert kit offers a variety of ways of creating these attention getters. So inline is basically on the page.
  • So this is something that you might use in a blog post, halfway down the page, perhaps a modal is this sort of pop-up screen takeover. Pop-up that you're probably used to. There's also a slide in that, the bottom, right? Again, I like this for maybe something like that. Blog post, halfway down the page or whatever, to come in a little less intrusive.
  • It doesn't actually take over the page. You can see, even on this illustration, the modal is great out the background. It makes it kind of mutes your site and they have to take action on the modal. Whereas the slide in is slightly less intrusive. So always something to consider. It's not worth ever irritating a visitor.
  • Um, With pop-ups and things of that nature. So it's always good to consider the user experience. And convert kit also allows you to do a sticky bar, which I think is quite good. Um, maybe if you're doing a webinar or something, people tend to start at the top of the page, right? So that is a great feature of convert kit that they offer all of them now in line, for example.
  • Well, all of these have. Slightly different options that you have as far as the timing, scroll or exit intent for inline, for example, that's not meant to be popping up at all. It's just on the page. So that doesn't have any of those options. The modal has all of those options and I believe the slide in has both timing and scroll, but not exit.
  • And the sticky bar. And the sticky bar offers the scroll percentage and the timing, not the exit intent. So only the modal has the exit intent, which makes sense because it kind of takes over the screen and really get someone's attention before they leave. So that is that. And the good news is that convert kit, how you create.
  • Any of these, uh, forms is it's right under the same pay place that you've been creating landing pages instead of selecting landing pages, you select forms. And then this is where you select which type of form you're looking for. And then you can then create, uh, you can start customizing it by first selecting a template and just like our landing pages, the templates are reasonable amount of.
  • Customization, but it's not fully custom, but they're quite nice looking and they really do the job. So just a little bit of customization by you and you'll be having adding pop-ups and modals to your website in no time. And as I was alluding to earlier, I would use each of these in different places. And I would not try and use all of them at once, especially on the same page, because that would be very, very irritating.
  • So. I suggest you look at how you can use it, perhaps use different ones for different things. So if you have a lead magnet or a webinar, or just a generic signup link, Or a blog sort of updates list. You could use different things for different use cases and try them out. And again, convert kit allows you to track the analytics so you can see how they're converting and you can make adjustments and evolve to excellence.
  • As we always say with less launching lab it's you can never get it right the first time. However, if you take action, you add your first modal or slide into your blog and you share your blog post. You can see how many people convert. So, and always improve. That is the evolving to excellence. So that's the second tip I have to grow.
  • Your email list is using these attention getters that specifically convert kit makes it really easy to add to your website. Now, my third tip is further website optimizations. Now these might not be relevant to you. It just depends. But if you have a website you can consider adding very clear and concise call to actions.
  • In say something like your menu, your top menu. So a place that basically every visitor is guaranteed to see on your website, you could add a button that takes them to a landing page, or maybe your core. Best lead magnet, for example. So you could create that right in your menu. So it's almost like every single visitor to your site has the potential to see that and therefore the potential to convert to your list.
  • So this is a great way to get even more exposure to your landing page, and you can create a very good call to action. If you have that sort of lead magnet, um, that people can get excited by. Another website optimization is if you have, even if you only have one lead magnet, but say you have a few good ones is to have a section on your site dedicated to showing it and highlighting them in a very simple way.
  • You can see it on ours. We have just two here. It continues to scroll. I just couldn't get them all in one screenshot, but this is a dedicated section to all of our lead magnets and that links to their corresponding landing pages. So, I mean, what a better way to highlight all the ways people can get on your email list by highlighting all the amazing, uh, lead magnets and value that you can give them.
  • So that is something to consider. And that is my third tip for you. Now, my fourth tip is to fully leverage social media. Now it really is free real estate. It's free real estate. And this is a, I have examples for both Instagram and Facebook because they highlight it best. But on Instagram, you can see that this is the web version, like your desktop browser version, and you have a link in bio right here, and this is a link that you can easily change to whatever you want.
  • So you can see our says, identify your values because it links to Kathleen's personal values, assessment, lead magnet, and it's a link that you can change. And it basically goes to a landing page where people can go and take action. So that is a great place to be able to convert your social media visitors into people on your email list and Instagram.
  • This is an important thing because it's actually the only place on the platform where you can actually use links. Um, in case you didn't know, you can really only post pictures and texts, but you can't link to things like you can't on LinkedIn or Facebook, for example, you can't include the links in posts.
  • So that's interesting. So this is a very important piece of real estate in the Instagram world, because it is again, the only place to really be able to link out to where you want people to go. So be sure to put something here that most of your people that visit your page will be interested to clicking over at potentially converting to your email list.
  • And I just wanted to show what it looks like on mobile. So you can see the Lincoln bio. It's the same thing, just a little bit different setup, but you can see that's where that is. Now on Facebook that offers a similar type of thing. Although on Facebook, you can obviously make posts with links, but at the top of your public business page, you just so not a personal profile, but actual business, Facebook page.
  • And then you have the option to add a button at the very top. So this is the very top of the page, and you can edit the button to say, sign up or learn more. And that's an opportunity that you can link to a lead magnet. So that's how you can leverage your social media real estate to get more people onto your email list.
  • And that was my fourth tip. And now my fifth and final tip is a little bit more complicated, maybe, but infinitely more powerful. Now that's collaboration and collaborating with like-minded or complimentary folks is a great way to grow your email list because in lots of ways, it's. Very difficult to reach a bulk amount of people without running ads in any other way, other than having someone else share.
  • Your work with their people and you can make this very collaborative and a total win-win. And if there's a few ways I have listed here that you could work with people and collaborate, you could do guest blog posts, and even some big websites like Forbes and things like that will allow you to do guest posts so you can reach out.
  • To those publications. And you can do that, but you could also do guest blog posts on maybe someone else's blog of similar size, right? And you can include a, one of your best lead magnets who you think will provide value to that specific audience. And that's a great way to grow your exposure and therefore have the potential to grow your email list.
  • Another thing you can do is you can do sort of more. Small scale interactive experiences together, you could do Facebook or Instagram lives. Both platforms have really worked hard to make it so you can go, go live with other users in a much more streamlined and easy way. So it's kind of cool. It's a good way to informally get on someone else's page, right.
  • And get exposed to new people and share your work. And obviously vice versa. Again, it can be a win-win for both. You can go on someone else's page and you can have a discussion around your work, and then they can, you can go live on your page and discuss. Their work. So it's a great way to cross pollinate.
  • Another collaboration technique. That's really exploding these days is becoming a podcast guest and it's makes total sense. So many people are starting podcasts and in a lot of ways, they are very dependent on having guests, especially guests that have. Very valuable and concise and great things to share with people just like you.
  • Now, if you're a podcast, guests, just like all these other things, it's great to have a lead magnet sort of prepped around your topic or whatever you'd like to talk about to have some sort of call to action for people. You know, if you are a podcast guest, On someone's show and you're teaching something you could put together a little guide that basically summarize what you talked about, and you can say, visit my website X, Y, and Z, and be sure to download the full guide.
  • It's a great way to grow your email list. It's a great way to create more of a community and get people to know your work and also practice, you know, talking about your stuff. Now, the next two are slightly more complicated in some ways, but, um, An effective thing. You'll see, lots of people do to grow their email list is to do these sort of mega events or seminars, meaning five or 10 or more.
  • Um, Creators will get together to create a sort of big mega event, which you all share to an invite, your list to, right? So if you have an email list and all these 10 other people have an email list and you all share it and you all have sort of time on stage, it's a great way to get out there. Again, pollinate get much more exposure and also grow your email list.
  • And it's really just a win-win on a bigger scale. And the last, but certainly not least collaboration idea is a joint webinar. If you have hung around Kathleen and I, for any length of time, you'll know that we have a particularly deep. And loving relationship with webinars. We really love webinars. And, um, it's not something that we have necessarily done with many people, but we have done a lot of joint webinars with people like Jack Canfield and as well as a few other people.
  • And they're just a great way to grow your email list. And lots of times with those, it depends on the relationship. If it's someone of similar sort of size and status to you, it could probably just be a win-win cross-pollination collaboration thing, but you could also shoot your shot if you will, and maybe reach out to bigger influencers, bigger people in your space and work out some sort of.
  • Affiliate deal say, maybe. So save, you have a co a course or a program that you think people would really benefit from this person's audience. You could put together an offer at the very least to say that Nuno an affiliate agreement. If we do this webinar together, I will give you X, Y, or Z of each person that registers.
  • So that is one way to collaborate and grow your email list. So those are my top. Five ways to start growing your email list. And I thought that was really important and I hope it serves as some inspiration to get your mind going of what you can do, especially as you start creating your regular content.
  • And you're really starting to get out there more and more. Now, obviously with us getting out there more and more creating content, maybe collaborating and using all of these. Tips big and small to start growing our email list. It's about time. We start looking into how to send a broadcast or send an email to these people who are on our list.
  • So in the next video, we're going to dive into convert kit and how to send your first prod cast message. See you there.

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First Stage of List Growth
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First Landing Page
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Grow Your List
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Exploring Lead Magnets
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Perfect Client Model (PCM)
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Lead Magnet Landing Page
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Tags & Segments
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*Visual Automations
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