Domain to Google Workspace to ConvertKit (one take)

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  • So folks strap in what we're going to be doing in this sort of extra video that I hope any of you find useful is I'm going to go from buying a domain to create setting up a Google workspace account. So setting up an actual functioning email provider and also connecting that brand new domain with that brand new email also to convert kit.
  • So we're going to go really. Uh, top to bottom in one, um, uh, take with no edit. So you'll hear me I'm in and on and wondering, and humming and hon and all that stuff. So I, um, brought snacks. I hope you do too. I got water. So I don't know how long this will be, but it'll be one take. So let's get started. I'm going to start by going to Namecheap.
  • It is where we suggest you buy domains. Um, And if you're stuck, maybe it makes the most sense to really follow along point by point. But in general, where you buy your domain, doesn't actually matter as long as you own it. So, um, yes, but if you are stuck, maybe it makes the most sense to just, uh, stick right alongside me.
  • So what's the domain we may as well, uh, do something stupid. Um, Carson knows Let's see if that's available.
  • And it is good news.
  • So I just added it to my cart. As I've said, a few times, these things are not required. Um, As I said, I think the domain purchasing space is very, very competitive and there's not very much money in $12 Canadian a year. So they rely on selling these add-ons. Um, so they're not necessary. So I'm going to click check out.
  • Cause that's my domain. I want, I'm just going to do it for a year because I, I may, um, I liked the domain, but I probably don't need it for more than that. Okay. Um, okay. I'm going to click confirm. I happen to have an account. Um, If you do not, the setup is pretty easy. The only thing that's a little bit odd with Namecheap specifically is you use a username, not an email.
  • So it's, you know, um, I think my username actually is Carson Grady. Uh, yeah. So that's the only oddity with, um, uh, Namecheap a little bit is it's not a. Email as you're signing. Um, so if you have to do that, it's really no different, but I'll just click continue. Cause I already have an account. It's emailing me a verification code
  • there. Copy rid of that paste.
  • So just a obviously extra layer of security. Um, okay. So this is just a review. It remembers my credit card just because I already logged in. So I'll click pay now.
  • you may actually hear Bentley bark in the background too. So really it's like we're at work together, you know, you're experiencing a day in the life of Carson. Okay.
  • Wow. Wow. Wow. I need it. You're experiencing the whole gambit with me. So Bentley is barking because Amazon has arrived.
  • I will be right back.
  • All right. This is real time. It's real. Amazon arrived. Bentley barked. Okay. Sorry. So the purchase went through, we are golden. Um, so, um, we don't need to do at this exact moment. We'll click manage.
  • And then we'll just open up to advanced DNS and, um, we'll just leave it on this page for now. We'll come back to it.
  • Okay, so next, we're going to worry about Google workspace. So let's go, just search Google, or actually I think I have a Kathleen
  • Google workspace. Okay. I'll click that and we will click get started and I'm just going to close. Carson knows best. And it's just me only. No, I haven't found anyone else to work for me at Carson knows best. So we'll make a Carson Grady Carson current email. Well, this is like, kind of like a backup, so I'm just going to use my personal one.
  • So be sure to use an email, you really do have access to it's important next. Does your business have a domain? Yes, we have one, right? So I'm going to click. Yes. Their domain is, as we know, Carson knows I don't know why it just has a certain ring to it. Okay.
  • Yep. Yep. So that's all good click next. Um, I guess you could click. Okay. If you wanted to, I mean, I'll be deleting this account, so, um, this might be good for you to click. Okay. Excuse me, it's basically saying it'll send users. So that includes you, um, information about Google workspace and new features and tips might not be a bad idea.
  • Um, like I said, I am just going to be deleting this, um, after the fact, obviously, so I'm just going to click. No, thanks. But that might be a good idea. So, um, we're going to create Carson. And then, um, password.
  • Just want to make sure I typed it. Right. So this is setting up your Google workspace account. The one that you're gonna actually log in with. So it would probably most likely, I assume, be your I am. In fact, not a robot. Agree and continue if you happen to be working in, um, Chrome, um, It can remember your passwords, which I really like.
  • So I'm just doing that. If that happens to be something you want, you do have to select a plan. Um, so yeah, but it starts with a trial. So if you happen to not like it, that's okay. I understand this might be scary or. Not something you're used to with email, but I do promise that it is really the foundation of your business and being professional.
  • It is worth it. So I know maybe it might be your first expense as a business. Um, so I don't know. I guess I know that can be sucky. That email is not free, but I do promise it's worth it. So click next.
  • So it'll just asking for my address.
  • Why isn't it? Auto-filling yeah,
  • there we go. If you want to send me wine, this is the place. Don't send me anything, please. Um, Hmm.
  • Feel like, I wish I didn't have to show this. This might be a little bit of an edit, obviously.
  • So if I did cover this up in post, I just simply entered my credit card information, so nothing else. And then I'm just click clicking next.
  • My, uh, Google workspace account has been created. So we're going to click continue to set up.
  • Next.
  • Okay. So this is, I know where many of you might be stuck, so we'll hopefully get through this together, click verify.
  • So this is basically just making sure that we actually own, um, The, uh, Domain. So it's wanting to do a text thing, so that's fine. We'll click. Okay. So it's giving us instructions. So I know this can seem kind of weird, but let's just stay with me. We're just going to click copy. This is the sort of, you can think of this as like a tag that Google is going to search for on the old interwebs.
  • And that will tell, um, it, that we own it because only we. Have access to the backend of our domain. Right. So that's basically what is happening here to verify we own it. Um, yeah. So it's telling us first go to your host website. It just knows that it's spot at Namecheap probably just cause I don't know, whatever Google knows everything I suppose.
  • Um, and then you've got to sign in which we already are. I even left the tab open. Right? Hopefully you did the same. We're going to copy this text, which we already did, but I'll do it again for funsies. And then we got to find the DNS records and you can see that it even walks you through exactly how to do it.
  • And we have to add a text record, which is just a certain type. So let's do that. So I'm in my Namecheap account. I'm in the advanced DNS tab. If you just clicked on, you might be on the domain tab. So, uh, just click this advanced DNS tab. And what we're going to do is we're going to add a new record and we're going to scroll and we want a text record because that is what Google is asking us to do.
  • Right. Or just following instructions here. What does it say? The host is an apt symbol. Post is an app symbol app. And then this value is this value up here that we have copied. Right. So we're here and we're pasting that value. And then we're going to click the check Mark button to just basically save it.
  • Okay. So we have followed these instructions. Now we are going to click, verify the domain. Now this can take some time and I know some of you, Leah, I know what was stuck at this. And, um, it can take up to five minutes remaining. It's looking like, because when you make changes to something called the DNS, it's almost like the global, um, Phone book, maybe of URLs, of domains, of, of addresses, right?
  • So it can just take time for Namecheap or GoDaddy, whatever you use to send this new information, this new. Um, yeah. Information to add it to the record for the whole of the internet to see. So that's why it's checking for five minutes and this can take up to a day, I believe, but it's never taken that long for me.
  • So like I said, I'm leaving this real time. So yeah, I mean, I guess at this point, I'm just hoping it doesn't take a day because that would be a really long video. But I'm also not going to put pressure on myself to continually talk for a day. Okay. Okay. So there you go. Uh, Leah, if that was you stuck there, that is how long it tends to take.
  • And that's how long it obviously did take. Um, so that has now been verified. Okay. You could create other users. This would only be if you have like team members, um, Cause we already created, as you remember, and you would have created that. This is simply if you needed to also add your maybe, um, business partner or your, uh, assistant or whatever.
  • So we actually don't have to do that. Um, but we do have to actually activate our Gmail, right? So it actually works and you can see, it does have a warning. There's a wait time of up to 60 minutes. So we'll see what actually ends up being true, but we're going to click activate. So just as a, to, for very clear, for, to be very clear, this creating a new user, probably not relevant to you, you can skip this.
  • This is a hundred percent relevant to you. 100% of the time. So, um, this is skippable. If you do not have another team member, this is not skippable. So we are going to click activate.
  • Yeah, this is just making sure if it's a new domain, there's nothing to worry about. This would be very important if you already had a domain in your switching, because theoretically there might be a period of time where your emails would bounce. Um, yeah, probably not relevant to you, but if you are happening to moving an email address to Google workspace, this is relevant to you.
  • You'd want to be planning for that. Uh, but if you read everything at warns you again, if it's a brand new domain, there's nothing to worry about here. It's only if you've already had this setup. So I'm just trying to be very, very clear click continue. So this is another step of routing your emails to Gmail.
  • So this is telling, um, Gmail, again, more information to route this. And again, it's telling us to go to our domain site, which we have remained open. So we use this text record to verify our ownership, but then there's still more to also do. So we're going to go to your MX records to set up an email and you're going to delete any existing, which you should not.
  • Um, the good news is that, uh, Namecheap really makes it easy. So you can see this male setting right here. If I click this dropdown, there's going to be a Gmail. Option, which basically just makes it automatic, which is really nice. So again, another reason why we like Namecheap. Um, yeah, so I'm just gonna, I selected Gmail and I'm clicking save changes and you can see just in case it's not clear, this is where we entered that text record.
  • So I just scrolled the page just a little bit to this mail settings and I've selected Gmail. Okay. And it's all laid out in these instructions here. If I'm not being clear, if you read these step by step, you know, It's all there. Okay. So if you're with me or with me, um, so we have completed this action, as you can see, Gmail is the mail setting.
  • So we will click activate.
  • And basically, because we use Namecheap, it's doing all of this automatically and it's checking stuff, it's doing everything it needs to do. And you can see that some were added. Some were not, I didn't click anything. FYI. It just, uh, obviously solved all the issues that needed to, again, we do not have a team member to add if you do.
  • God bless do your thing. We do not. So we have completed both steps that are not optional. Um, this is not relevant. We click, skip for now.
  • Okay. So this is kind of like a final checklist, I suppose you could say, um, Gmail is activated so we can send a test email. Why not? We'll just click send. It's sending to this email. Okay. Uh, we do not need to create a user. I think that that enough. Okay. But let's try out, uh, Gmail. So we click try. Now you can see this opens, this is a sort of global menu across all of Google's, um, offerings that has all of their services.
  • So I'm looking for g-mail. So again, I'm clicking this little cubey thing, which shows all available apps. I'm clicking Gmail, it'll open in a new tab. Um, This might be relevant to you. I click that button, but it opened in my default, Carson dot Sealy 13 at Gmail. This is my personal email. So it didn't open.
  • The proper thing. What I'll have to do is I will have to possibly. So I click up here and my picture, if this happens to you and from the drop-down list, I can see Carson So I do have to click that. You'll see it'll open again, and this is my new inbox, right? So we now have a functioning email.
  • Um, what I just closed there was just some like, uh, things to like show you around, which, um, It doesn't really matter. You can pull those if you want, but we are here. This is email. Now let's just do a little test. I'm going back to my personal email. I'm doing a test, um,
  • And I'm saying, test one, two, three, and I'm saying test one, two, three. And we're going to send a test email. This can take some time theoretically, but, um, again, for me, it never has so, but they do always warn that it can take it sometime. So I do have a delay on my send. Um, so this might take a minute.
  • It's a great Gmail feature, actually, which may be, I'll walk you through as we're waiting. Basically I could undo sending this email. So if I ever sometimes I'll go to send something and I'm into attach something and I forget, you can see, I could have clicked undo for up to I think, 30 seconds. Um, but now it has officially sent.
  • And if we go back here, it is look at this. We can just reply. This is working. And, um, you can see Gmail has smart compose. It basically uses AI to finish words for you. So again, pretty sweet stuff. Um, okay. So, um, I just clicked reply. I could reply something like that. Gmail. This is not all about Gmail, but you can schedule to send this email later, which I really like.
  • Um, but it's beyond the scope of this video. I'm staying focused. So let's just, um, this is working fine as a test. Okay. So the message has been sent. If I go back Jack Bentley, literally licking himself next to me, which is not awesome. Okay. So I'm clicking refresh, and you can see everything is working. I can even reply.
  • So everything is set up. These emails I received from Google workspace. These are just because I used this email as my backup email. So it is important to use your real email that, you know, works, um, that, you know, works okay. Uh, as a backup. And, um, it's just, yeah. Sending me verification or, um, confirmations and such.
  • So, okay. Back to Gmail, it is all set up. These are just welcome emails that you can read if you want to. Um, this is great. The only thing I will maybe show you just for funsies is how to set a signature. And if I click that button it's down near the bottom right here, signatures, you can create a new signature.
  • I don't know, let's call it main create, and then this just allows you to fill in stuff, um, like phone number by website. And let's just say if I wanted Kathleen and if I want that to be an actual clickable thing, I can just highlight it. Um, I'd click link. And then it just makes it a link so that it's like, you know, obviously actually clickable, right.
  • So that's signature. Uh, you can create multiple signatures if you want. Um, again, this is not all about Gmail, so I will leave it at that. But one thing you do want to do is set your signature default, um, to be your main signature. That just makes it automatic basically. So I select these things as default.
  • I do have to scroll all the way to the bottom and I do have to click save changes for that to actually take effect. If you ever want to get back to that setting. Um, it's up here in the settings wheel. There's some like quick settings here, but then if you see all settings, we'll, we're back to this actual page.
  • And since we're here, I can't help myself. This undo send feature. I really like, and rather than five seconds, I like 30. Um, and again, that just means that you can undo a send. Uh, as a little grace period, I suppose. So I set it to 30 seconds. I do have to scroll to the bottom again. You'll notice this is that signature, just showing that this is where we were before.
  • Um, and I'm just clicking save changes. Okay. And just to show you that undo send, if I went to compose an email to Carson test test, and you can see my signature here, and it also helps you saying if you happen to have multiple signatures, uh, you can change it here. Okay. So if I click send, I'm just showing you the undo sentence.
  • So I clicked send, but I changed my mind. I forgotten attachment. No worries. I have 30 seconds to click undo and it basically just under and does it okay. So a really great feature. Okay. Next thing we're going to do is we're going to make connect our new email address. Carson at Carson knows the best in this case to convert kit so we can send via that.
  • So I'm going to go to convert I'm going to click login. I think I have to log out. Yeah, I have to use my test account cause I can't mess with the main account. Uh, so I, I just have a dummy, um, convert kit account. Okay. So I'm in it. You will be logging in, this is what yours will look like. We're going to click top right here and we're going to click email up at the top here.
  • These are your email from addresses. This is what we want to do. So my name is. Uh, Carson Grady and my email and I'm clicking. Add. So see how it says pending, right? If I go back here, look at this convert kit, verify your email address. I click verify my email. I'm back to this same page.
  • You can see these are like duplicates, um, except this is pending cause it's the old one. This is the new one. So we can just close this duplicate tab, but I now have this email to send from inside of convert kit. That is where we are at. Um, I hope this gets you unstuck overall. I feel like that went really, really smooth.
  • I'm kind of like blown away, uh, between Namecheap and Google. They really make things so, so easy. It's amazing. Um, So, again, to recap, we purchased a domain at Namecheap a brand new domain that has never existed. We set up Google workspace. We have ourselves a user. We logged in to our new Gmail account.
  • We set up our signature. We changed a few settings that I told you about. And now we have, uh, we tested the email we sent and we replied, we received everything is working perfectly. We then went to convert kit our account, our account. We added that email, right. And we verified it by clicking the link in that email that they send.
  • And the last final step with convert kit is not for me, cause this will be deleted, but you would want to set this as a default and you just click that and it would, it would be done. There's nothing else to do. Um, I just can't click it cause this is for something else. But that is everything that you needed to do.
  • I really hope you found this useful. And, um, yes, this is the most technically challenging part of the list launching lab, in my opinion. So once we get you through this, uh, all will be well. Uh, if you have questions, you know where to find me.

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